Covid - 19 Travel Guide | Blog

January 9, 2021

Covid - 19 Travel Guide


10th January, 2021


I. Pre-Boarding:
STEP 1 - Passengers MUST perform a COVID-19 PCR test not more than 4 days (96 hours) before
boarding. PCR tests done more than 96 hours before departure are not valid and persons will not be
allowed to board. Test validity commences from the time the sample is taken. For passengers with
multiple connections before arrival in Nigeria, the 96-hour test validity is from the first point of departure.

STEP 2 - All intending passengers (including diplomats and children less than 10 years old) MUST
register via an online national travel portal (Nigeria International Travel Portal –
and proceed to fill in the online Health Declaration/Self-Reporting form located on the portal. They should
ensure that the information/contact details provided on the orm are correct and verifiable. Passengers
MUST be reachable via the phone number, email and residential address they have provided.
Passengers must also inform Port Health officials on arrival of any change in their health circumstances
since completion of the Health Declaration/Self-Reporting Form. Passengers who falsify their status
as diplomats will face prosecution.

STEP 3 - After filling the online Health Declaration/ Self-Reporting Form, passengers will be directed to
upload their negative COVID-19 PCR test on to the portal. Once this is successfully done, they will
proceed to the payment section of the travel portal. Passengers are advised to still bring along an
electronic or hard copy of their COVID-19 PCR test for presentation at the airport.
STEP 4 - On reaching the payment section of the portal, passengers will be requested to select their
preferred Laboratory/Sample Collection Centre based on where they will be self-isolating at Day-7 of
arrival in Nigeria. A list of accredited private laboratory providers/Sample Collection Centers across the
country are available on the payment platform. The next stage is to choose a bank payment gateway
and then proceed to pay for the Day-7 in-country COVID-19 PCR test. Please note that passengers
paying with naira should use cards issued by a Nigerian bank. Diplomats and children less than 10
years old are exempted from payment for the repeat COVID-19 test.

STEP 5 - Following successful payment, passengers should download the Permit to Travel Certificate/
QR Code using the “Get Permit to Travel” button visible at the top right corner of the portal, save and
print the form for presentation at the point of boarding. The Permit to Travel Certificate/QR code will have
a “PAID” label if payment is successful and “UNPAID” label if payment has not gone through yet or is
unsuccessful. A copy of the Permit to Travel Certificate/ QR Code will also be sent to the email address
provided by the passenger.
II. Boarding
1. Prior to boarding for Nigeria, passengers MUST present TWO documents at their point of
departure to be allowed to board;
a. A negative COVID-19 PCR test administered within 4 days (96 hours) of departure.
Airlines have been directed not to board passengers with non-PCR COVID-19 tests (such
as antigen/or antibody tests), a positive COVID-19 PCR test result or tests performed
beyond 96 hours of boarding.
b. Permit to Travel Certificate/QR Code - generated from the Nigeria International Travel
Portal on completion of a health questionnaire, uploading of a negative COVID-19 PCR
result and payment for the repeat Day-7 COVID-19 PCR test at Day-7 of arrival in Nigeria.

Passengers failing to show a Permit to Travel Certificate/QR Code will not be allowed to
c. Passengers departing from the United Kingdom and Republic of South Africa MUST
show evidence of having paid for their post-arrival Day-7 COVID-19 PCR test prior
to boarding.
2. Airlines that board passengers without any of the TWO documents (a negative COVID-19 PCR
test result taken not more than 96 hours prior to boarding and a Permit to Travel Certificate/QR
code), shall be sanctioned as follows:
a. Passengers, who are Non-Nigerians, will be refused entry and returned to the point of
embarkation at cost to the airline;
b. Passengers who are Nigerians and holders of permanent resident permit will be allowed
entry, but subjected to a mandatory quarantine of 8-14 days (depending on results of
COVID-19 PCR test done from Day-7 of arrival) at a facility approved by the government
and at cost to the passenger(s)/airline;
c. Airlines shall be fined USD 3,500 per passenger for failure to comply with any of the preboarding requirements;
d. Airlines who fail to comply with the above requirements may be banned from coming to

3. At the time of boarding, travellers will be required to undergo temperature screening and asked
about COVID-19 symptoms. Passengers with temperature >38C and other COVID-19 related
signs and symptoms shall not be allowed to board the flight.

All passengers are kindly advised to strictly adhere to instructions given by Port Health Services at the
arrival terminal. Passengers who fail to adhere to instructions may be sanctioned by relevant security
All passengers arriving in Nigeria will be required to:
1. Go through the routine Port Health screening and present electronic or print-out evidence of preboarding COVID-19 PCR test and the Permit to Travel Certificate/QR Code;
2. Present their international passports for clearance through the Nigerian Immigration Service
System’s Migrants Identification Data Analysis System (MIDAS). The Nigerian Immigration Service
will not retain passports;
3. Proceed on mandatory 7 days self-isolation/quarantine in their selected place of abode; self-isolation
in the city of port of entry is not mandatory. During this time, passengers are advised to avoid physical
interaction with friends, family, colleagues, and other members of the public. Passengers should
check their emails/text messages regularly for updates regarding the arrangement for their repeat
COVID-19 PCR test from the laboratory of their choice;
4. Present themselves at the laboratory/sample collection centers on the 7th day of arrival. Samples will
be taken, and a COVID-19 PCR test done. The selected private laboratory provider will send a
reminder text message, email, or phone call to the passenger a day before the appointment. Kindly
note that:
a. Passengers who fail to submit themselves at the sample collection centers on Day-7 of arrival
will be sent text reminders and their details forwarded to the State Public Health Department
teams and NCDC for active follow-up;
b. Private laboratories will forward details of passengers who decline or do not show up for repeat
PCR test by Day-14 of arrival. These passengers will face travel restrictions on their passports
for 6 months and will not be able to travel abroad for this period. Non-Nigerian passport holders
will have their visas revoked;
c. Test results will be ready within 72 hours and the State Public Health Department teams &
Nigeria Center for Disease Control will be informed accordingly;
d. Persons who test POSITIVE for COVID-19 will be managed based on National Guidelines for
COVID-19 treatment;
e. Persons who test NEGATIVE for COVID-19 after 7 days shall end self-isolation on receipt of
their result but must continue to self-monitor for symptoms until Day-14;
f. Travellers reporting or developing symptoms of COVID-19 on arrival in Nigeria, or during
screening will not be allowed to self-quarantine and will be placed in institutional quarantine;
g. For deportees, if one person tests positive for COVID-19, all close primary contacts will be
required to undergo enhanced screening and a follow-up PCR test if necessary; and
h. Public Health Officers will monitor passengers during the period of self –isolation/quarantine.
For this reason, passengers MUST provide a functional/valid telephone number on their
online registration forms. Persons who develop symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 during the
isolation period will immediately be tested for COVID-19. If positive, they will be managed
based on National Guidelines for COVID-19 treatment.
1. Persons who test positive for COVID-19 after the post-arrival Day-7 test shall be managed
based on national guidelines for COVID-19 treatment.
2. Persons who test negative for COVID-19 after 7 days of self-isolation/quarantine will be allowed
to exit self-isolation on receipt of their result.

This protocol will come into effect from Monday, 11th January, 2021.
-SignedBoss Mustapha
Secretary to the Government of the Federation/
Chairman, Presidential Task Force on COVID-19

For more information, please visit the CENTRE FOR DISEASE CONTROL Website

As citizens of Nigeria, it is important you keep up to date with the Covid - 19 Protocols put in place, in Cuba and Nigeria. This is to facilitate smooth repatriation and travel to and from both Countries.

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